Oh boy!

I have just been reading some of the other wordpress blogs and am now feeling rather daunted as I feel ours is rather mundane by comparison! But we will press on as we love the fact you (our family and friends and some other people – welcome, as they say in Peterborough!) are enjoying reading our exploits!

I woke up in the night pondering what we should blog about today – blog insomnia – very much a First World problem! And then I remembered that Michael had sent me a photo of the jacarandas blooming – one of my favourite things about Sydney – purple glimpses everywhere! And I felt quite homesick, just as I do for England whenever the daffodils come out to signal the end of winter. What is it about flowers and trees that they can evoke such strong feelings?

What else am I missing? The sound of Sock’s lopsided walk and her mewing, Rusty’s boundless enthusiasm and seeing him waiting at the top of the stairs as I walk upwards, invariably burdened by bags and bags of shopping, and all that before I even start on the humans in my life! I know Simon misses Rusty a great deal – this is the longest time he has been away from him, ever, as he told me the other day. I don’t think he can quite express any of the rest of it, other than he wishes he could have a teleporter to go to TAFE on Fridays and then come back again. I think that he has captured the essence of homesickness – it is not that you don’t want to be where you are, it is just that you want to be at home, wherever that may be, at the same time.  And it is not that our new friends here aren’t lovely, they most certainly are, but it is the new that is different – there is an easiness and comfortableness (is there such a word?) with old friends. I believe the only answer is to put on your best smile, hard as that may be to do, and make the best of where you find yourself at any given moment in time – what else is there to do?